Sunday, October 20, 2013

Newspaper Ad

Today's Daily Camera, my local newspaper, included this revolutionary ad.

Here in Boulder County more than 15% of permanent residents and 45% of college students regularly exceed these recommended alcohol limits.

The ad's linked website describes the health risks of excessive alcohol consumption, and includes a quiz on personal drinking habits and information on obtaining treatment. Not once but twice, it states that women who are pregnant, may become pregnant, or are breastfeeding should not use alcohol and specifically lists brain damage as a health risk to the developing fetus.

Way to go, Boulder County!

A recent New York Times editorial, states that one in six Americans and over one in four young adults regularly binge drinks. In addition to the danger of accidents, alcohol poisoning, and liver and brain damage, young women are particularly vulnerable to resulting date rape, unplanned pregnancy, and giving birth to fetal alcohol-exposed babies (FASD).

Help spread the word about safe drinking.

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