Sunday, July 7, 2013

Above Heart Lake

Today Ron and I hiked to Heart Lake and Rogers Pass. That's me in the photo, a speck in the panoramic view at 12,000 feet. While walking, I found myself thinking about the heart of my memoir about our experience with Sandy.

When Sandy was in middle school and we were in the depths of despair over the increasingly horrifying events in her life, a voice came to me as I was walking and pondering. "Just stick with her," it said as clearly and kindly as if a wise counselor were walking next to me.

The words of the voice sustained me. The fact of the voice astounded me. I clung to the belief that we were not alone. Maybe there was meaning to this overwhelming mess.

It was not until the end of Sandy's life that I truly understood the significance of what I heard. By sticking with her--however imperfectly--we were able to show her that we loved her.

Despite all her attempts to push us away, Sandy saw that we wouldn't give up. Limping, stumbling, even crawling, we forged a bond of love, as important for us as it was to her.

All I can say is thank you.

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