A school
district in northwestern Canada is opening special classrooms for FASD-affected children. I was struck
by this quote from the article:
. . . if you believe that
every child should have an opportunity to feel good about themselves, see value
in themselves, and leave our system with a diploma or with an opportunity to be
an independent in the world, then we have a moral responsibility to level the
field for everybody.”
Teachers and students can benefit from even simple
awareness of the challenges of FASD. When teachers see lack of normal
progress, it doesn’t mean they are doing a bad job or that the student isn’t
trying. Child’s brains function differently.
Here’s a bit of information from the child's point of view. And this video offers more educational strategies.
Here’s a bit of information from the child's point of view. And this video offers more educational strategies.
Every child deserves to be seen in a positive light.